Friday, April 25, 2008

Supermarket Sweep

Regular readers of this blog are familiar with the project-based approach at Coco's school. Recently, her class finished their last study area, supermarkets. At first I was skeptical about the value of studying supermarkets, but was pleasantly surprised at the results.

The students visited ten supermarkets across the city from the vegan Food Fight to New Seasons, Whole Foods, Safeway, Fred Meyer, Uwijamaya, and Don Pancho's. They learned about what stores stock, how many employees they have and everything in between.

For their open house they presented their data in the form of a supermarket quiz show and also put on a play about supermarkets. You can tell Coco is from a restaurant family: one of the questions she came up with for the quiz was "What does Trader Joe's sell the most of? A. Meat, B. Bananas, C. Two Bucks Chuck" You guessed it. Two Bucks Chuck is the answer. This reflects the fact that you'll find us at TJ's buying Two Buck Chuck (cheap wine) by the case for the cafe!

Torran's mom, Regan, and crew...

That's Phoebe's dad, Daniel, on the right.

One of the data charts:

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