Thursday, February 24, 2005

Coco Had a Play

I had play today and I really enjoyed it and I was a grasshopper. I really enjoyed being a grasshopper. And it was a big play and my teachers from last year came in to see it, Darren and Cassandra. I really liked seeing those guys.
We gave out puppets to people who came to say "Thank You" for coming to our play.
I had to jump all around as a grasshopper should because I was the only grasshopper in the whole play.
I really wish that my friend Ariel and my mom could have come to see me in my play. But that's okay because tomorrow I'm going to see Sammy and Ariel in their school play. I hope if they get scared being on stage in front of a big audience, I hope they know that I'll be there for them. I sure wish they have fun at their play tomorrow. Sammy sure is a good friend; I want him to know that I'll be there for him, too.

The play was called "Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed." I was the mama who called the doctor.