Sunday, December 04, 2005

Nutcracker Exposed

Today I went to the Midland Library to see the Oregon Ballet Theatre dancers dance some of the moves from Balanchine's Nutcracker. When I grow up I want to be a ballet dancer. We watched the same dance two times.
My mom thought it was funny when one of the ballerinas (dressed as a boy) split her trousers. Not too many people noticed, but of course she did.
It was fun.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Cat Crazy!

Coco's new school focuses on student-centered, project-based learning. The students in her K-1 class decided that for the next cycle of "kid of the day" they wanted to focus on animals. Each day for the next twenty days, one student will choose an animal to research and present their findings to the class. Coco chose to study cats for her presentation this Thursday. For her project, she made a collage about cats and a poster of cat facts that she will read/recite to the class.

She is very excited about her project and wanted me to put it on her blog for her.

They are deciding on Monday what their next learning unit will be. The kids brainstormed and Coco suggested weather. We'll see what they'll be working on once they vote on Monday. If I had a vote, I would choose robots!

Coco going "Cat Cool! Cats Rock! Cat Crazy!" (her project title)

Friday, November 04, 2005

Coco and Aunt Victoria--October 2005

Coco and Aunt Victoria
Originally uploaded by Coco's Mama.
"I miss Aunt Victoria because I love her and she is my favorite Aunt in the whole, wide world. We play on the computer and we sleep together and we play American Girl together.

"I like when Aunt Victoria picks me up. It's so much fun!"


Coco, Adelai, Emile on the F Train

Coco, Adelai, Emile
Originally uploaded by Coco's Mama.
The kids loved taking the subway around Brooklyn. Coco was having so much fun with all the kids, she wished we could have stayed with them for more than a day.

We hope it won't be long before we see them again!

The Evans Family in Brooklyn

The Whole Crew 1
Originally uploaded by Coco's Mama.
We visited our friends from New Orleans, The Evans, when we went back East in October. They are staying in a defunct retirement home and adjusting to their new surroundings.

In the photo (L2R) Emile, Sophia, Sol, Coco and Adelai. Kasey is in the back.

Friday, September 02, 2005

The Summer Gang

the summer gang email
Originally uploaded by Coco's Mama.
These are the gold friends. As we move into our first school years, we realize that we'll be making new friends. There aren't friends as special, though, as those you've known your whole life. Here is a group of children as dedicated to protecting and loving each other as any adults you'll see. We can only learn from them.


In Coco's Words:
I liked sitting by Tess in this picture because she sure is cute. I like her a lot and her cute ballernina socks. I brought my doll baby.

I went on and octopus and it's a SCARY ride ! (At Oaks Amusement Park, where we spent the afternoon after lunch.)

Happy Labor Day!

Saturday, August 13, 2005

Graduation Day

Originally uploaded by Coco's Mama.
I liked my mom's graduation a lot, although I didn't feel like having my picture taken. I'm proud of my mom.

Thursday, August 11, 2005

The Tooth Fairy Cometh...

A few weeks ago Coco lost a tooth. Then last night, she lost one of her front teeth, but she swallowed it while she was eating a potato chip in th bathtub (don't ask why), so we left the toothfairy a not explaining the situation and--guess what--she left a Golden Dollar beneath Coco's pillow.

The other tooth was hanging by a thread all day today, swinging this way and that and Coco was all slurpin' up spit--whoosh, whoosh, swallow, whoosh, whoosh, swallow--all day long.

She was drinking bottled water and, ut oh, she swalloed another one. That's two teeth ingested in two days. I hope the Tooth Fairy doesn't think we're tryng to pull a fast one. Coco told me, though, that we could never, ever, trick the Tooth Fairy because it just wouldn't be nice.

Here they are, The Tooth Fairy photos in their entirety (click on the picture to see a larger image):

Here, for your viewing pleasure, the Tooth Fairy Montage:

Thursday, July 07, 2005

Montana and Coco

Montana and Coco
Originally uploaded by Coco's Mama.
This is my new friend, Montana. She just moved into my neighborhood two months ago. She had a playdate at my house and then I went with Nicki to pick up Sarah downtown at college. Then we went some places. I made a list: bookstore, library, toy store, bus stop, pizza, home.

We walked so much I got a blister from my purple elephant sandals and I walked barefoot home from the bus stop except mom carried me over the roads and stone and glass.

Oh and I got fairy wings at the toy store to match my dress because my kittens ate my other ones and all the grumpy people on the rush hour bus were smiling at me.

Love, Coco

Dribble Dribble

Dribble Dribble
Originally uploaded by Coco's Mama.
This is me at soccer camp. I'm pretty good at soccer, but I think I do a little better than basketball. I'm even better at swimming. And even better at dress up. Yup, I'm really good at dress up.

My Tooth

My Tooth
Originally uploaded by Coco's Mama.
Fancy, huh?

The Tooth Fairy Visits. Why?

Originally uploaded by Coco's Mama.
As you can see, I've lost a tooth. It happened Tuesday night while Daddy and I were brushing teeth at bedtime. At first it bled, but then I was okay. Then, when I woke up the next day, there was a golden dollar under my pillow where my tooth had been. I guess the Oregon Tooth Fairy knows me better than the Philadelphia Tooth Fairy; she brought me a green paper dollar when I lost my first tooth at Pop-Pop's house!

Thursday, June 16, 2005

Ice Cream Social

This week I hosted an ice cream social at my house to say goodbye to the girls moving to Colorado, Mariah, Ruby, and Josie. We had ice cream sundays with chocolate, vanilla, and strawberry ice cream; chocolate sauce; caramel sauce; whipped cream; and sprinkles. Here is a picture of the girls in the neighborhood I play with almost every day. We'll miss you Mariah, Ruby and Josie.

From left to right, back row first:
Alexis, Mariah, Autumn, Amanda, Coco, Ruby, Brianna, Josie

Graduation Day

On June 10th, 2005, I graduated from preschool at the Helen Gordon Child Development Center. I wore a special black hat and my new dress from Peter and Krista's wedding. My best friends Sammy and Ariel came to watch me and then came to a sleepover party at my house afterwards. We ate macaroni and cheese, hamburgers, hot dogs and boiled eggs and then we ate cheesecake with strawberries on it while we watched a space movie called 2001: A Space Odyssey. Sammy really liked the parts when the monkeys pounded the bones, but Ariel was kinda scared. Then we all slept on the bottom bunk, but we had to sleep sideways so we could all fit.

We stayed up so late, and although we didn't read many books, I told monster stories for a long time before we fell asleep. The next morning we woke up so early and played mermaids outside the whole time while my mom and dad were still sleeping in bed. I love you, goodbye.

Here are some photos from my graduation:

This is me signing "It's a Wonderful World"

This is me with my teacher, Tara:

Thursday, February 24, 2005

Coco Had a Play

I had play today and I really enjoyed it and I was a grasshopper. I really enjoyed being a grasshopper. And it was a big play and my teachers from last year came in to see it, Darren and Cassandra. I really liked seeing those guys.
We gave out puppets to people who came to say "Thank You" for coming to our play.
I had to jump all around as a grasshopper should because I was the only grasshopper in the whole play.
I really wish that my friend Ariel and my mom could have come to see me in my play. But that's okay because tomorrow I'm going to see Sammy and Ariel in their school play. I hope if they get scared being on stage in front of a big audience, I hope they know that I'll be there for them. I sure wish they have fun at their play tomorrow. Sammy sure is a good friend; I want him to know that I'll be there for him, too.

The play was called "Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed." I was the mama who called the doctor.

Thursday, January 20, 2005

Can I call my friends?

Once upon a time, there lived a young girl named Avan. Avan decided to go to the beach with her mom and her dad. Then she wanted to go see her friends, but her mom and her dad wouldn't let her, so she played Polly Pockets and Barbies. Then she lived happily ever after. The End.